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Lower limb orthosis OKD-28

Lower limb orthosis OKD-28
Lower limb braceLower limb brace
Class I medical deviceClass I medical device
Dial joint 1REDial joint 1RE
Full range of adjustmentFull range of adjustment
Minimum device - maximum effectMinimum device - maximum effect
Universal sizeUniversal size
Brand: Code UMDNS:





Lower limb muscle weakness, paralysis or skeletal problems, otherwise known as paresis, results from damage to the central nervous system, or upper motor neuron, and is characterized by muscle weakness accompanied by increased muscle tone, extinction of deep reflexes and the appearance of pathological reflexes.

Lower limb paralysis can be caused by a number of different factors and, with age, the most common cause is stroke or cerebral hemorrhage.

In order to ensure a correct movement pattern and to maintain muscle strength, it is necessary to keep upright posture affected by muscle weakness in the lower limbs. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the KAFO orthosis, i.e. a universal lower limb orthosis with foot stirrup and adjustable knee mobility of the OKD-28.


Product’s description:

KAFO lower limb orthoses are used to compensate for muscle weakness, paralysis or instability of the lower limbs. The KAFO orthosis is designed to facilitate the maintenance of an upright position and to improve the gait pattern by providing individual gait phases and axial joint alignment.

The OKD-28 lower limb orthosis has a lightweight openwork design. It is equipped with two aluminum side rails with adjustable flexion and extension angles. The design of the splints in the brace and their shape guarantee anatomical fitting of the product to the protected limb and allow perfect stabilization of the protected joint.

The drop lock offers smooth range of motion adjustment in every 15 degrees, what allows to change the knee extension or flexion with rehabilitation progress.

These drop locks are designed in such a way that changing the flexion and extension angles can be done without the use of any tools, and an additional safety system prevents unauthorized angle changes. They are made of plastic with the addition of carbon fibres, which makes them lightweight, inert to the user’s sweat and the salt contained in it, and at the same time sufficiently rigid to guarantee correct operation of the product. In addition, the splints are independently adjustable in length. Changing the length of the orthosis is carried out using an innovative maintenance-free press-slide mechanism.

Whats is more, the orthosis has a specialized stirrup, made of polyethylene. This solution ensures the dynamics of the product during gait and its minimal weight.

If required, a pressure relieving pad can be fitted in the ankle area to prevent pressure from the side aluminum splint of the orthosis.

The KAFO OKD-28 brace has a wide range of adjustment of the length of the splints and the mobility of the knee joint. Such a solution ensures individual precise adjustment of the product to the user’s needs.

The OKD-28 universal KAFO brace with knee adjustment of the range of mobility in 15-degree increments is designed to provide control in cases of joint instability, improve muscle strength and gait dynamics, and enable the user to adopt an upright posture and move independently.

Purpose of use:

  • Muscle weakness / Lowe limb paralysis / Stroke
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Muscular Dystrophy
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Spinal Cord Injury




Size (A) Thigh circumference 15 cm above the center of the patella (B) Calf circumference 15 cm below the center of the patella (C) Zakres odległości od szpary kolanowej do pachwiny (D) Distance between knee joint interstice and shin  How to measure
Universal  min 40 – max 75 cm

 min 30 – max 60 cm

min 28 – max 32 cm

min 45 – max 56 cm

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Active3D™ is thermoformed fabric made of special foamed, cell-closed designed material. It reduces the pressure on the body or any abrasions made by orthopaedic stays and aluminum splints. It is fully waterproof fabric and does not absorb sweat. It’s easy to clean. Due to its features, the fabric is an excellent product for making medical orthopaedic braces and orthoses. ACTIVE 3D™ has various external self-gripping layers. Our material has special, thermoformed properties and may be shaped according to the functional goals of the final braces.


Press-slide System – Regulation of the length of splint


Press-slide system is the another technological newness in our offer that we would like to introduce to You with a great pleasure. The adjuster of the length of splint Press-slide is the element of orthopaedic braces, designed especially according to the innovative rule – MiniMax (minimum choice, maximum effect). That is why, orthopaedic devices equipped with Press-slide system may be characterized by small dimensions, very low weight and significant ergonomics of usage. What is more, the system was engineered to facilitate the extension or the shortening of the splint to the patient in the most easy and safe way. Press-slide was made of special kind of plastic strengthened by fiberglass and thanks to that solution its durability is much more noticeable than in case of aluminium. Adjustment of splints is very easy – you just need to press the special button and ajustd the splint so that it would be fully comfortable for you. To make that activity easier, on the surface of the lower limb splints we placed the centimeter scale that defines the distance between knee joint and the end of thigh splint and shin splint. Regarding upper limb braces, we placed the scale that simplifies the repeatable splint adjustment.



Splint 1RE

Splints 1RE – single axis orthopedic splints, used mainly in knee joint, upper limb and hip joint braces. The characteristic quality of this splint is, apart from wide range of motion adjustment in every 15 degrees, is also hyperextension adjustment in the secured range of -15 and -30 degrees. The splints are characterized by perfect lateral joint stabilization and low weight. The set-up of the angle adjustment clock doesn’t require any tools, and special safety system prevents the change of the angle by unauthorized people. The splints are made of high quality aluminium alloy and plastic with carbon fibre. They are light and neutral to the influence of sweat and salt, properly firm, assuring correct functioning of the device. The splint and its design are patented in European Union by Reh4Mat company.

Splints 1RE


3D supports

3D relief supports are independent technical solutions to relieve the rigid elements of a given orthosis. These elements are made of supporting foams or EVA foam. These foams are connected with various types of skin-friendly materials and materials with an adhesive function. These pads have the appropriate shape and color adapted to the type of orthosis. They relieve both metal elements of orthoses, such as splints, stays, underwires and orthopedic drop locks, as well as other elements that should not come into direct contact with the patient's skin. These pads have an anatomical shape and are made of comfortable foam with proper hardness and elasticity, guaranteeing the proper therapeutic effect.

Setting up


Code OKD-28


CEMDClass I medical device in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017. on medical devices.