Lower limb support ATOM/1R

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury
Knee ligament injuries are a major health worldwide problem. It’s often connected with ACL injury. It has been estimated that 80,000 to 100,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur each year in the United States alone. Over the past several decades, specialists are interested in functional knee braces more and more.
Knee ligament injuries often occur by way of multiple knee-loading factors and may result from contact and/or noncontact interactions.
ACL is injured by the varus or valgus forces applied to the knee as an result of e.g. kicking the side of the knee like below.
However, the majority of injuries, especially those involving the ACL, are noncontact injuries that can occurs in sport training. Biomechanical risk factors associated with ACL injury based on knee rotation and posterior tibial translation.
One of our functional ACL knee braces is ATOM/1R, providing dynamic control of tibial translation.
Product description
ATOM/1R knee brace is designed to resist varus and valgus forces applied to the knee and prevent against the posterior tibial translation (drawer syndrome).
ATOM/1R is the 4-points of leverage brace, made of high quality aluminium hot covered by powder dye. The brace is equipped with 2 anatomic hinges, which reflect physiological knee movement precisely and allow to range of motion adjustment in every 15 degree.
The 4 points of leverage system is a dynamic best solution for knee protection. Simply, it relieve posterior tibial translation.
4 Points of leverage system was created to reduce knee stress and protect it:
1 – the first point is on the front of the thigh (aluminium frame)
2 – the second point is on the back of the calf and ihas an impact on on the lower limb due to the frame
3 – the third point is the strap on the back of the thigh
4 – the fourth point is the strap on the front of the calf, which gives preload on the tibia by pushing it aback. This solution decreases the ACL tension.
The key word is ‘decrease’, what means ATOM 1R does not reduced the tension but maintains the ligament in a little tension. It has positive influence on ligament in healing process and prevents its weakness.
Researchers have focused on ligaments with survey device supported by braces and they noticed significant decreasing of ligament’s tension (in standing and sitting position) in compare to unsupported leg. Effectiveness of this kind of support is undeniable. The 4 Points of leverage braces protect knee joints against the injury during sport and everyday activities. They minimalize the risk of additional soft tissue injuries before surgery. In postoperative period they provide protection of ligaments insertion for remodeling time (about 12-18 months). During rehabilitation the 4 Points of leveragebraces allow for more “aggressive treatment” by mobilizing the ligament and other soft tissue to healing.
Researches claim that the 4 Points of leverage braces help to protect ACL against the stretching and both during the load and not, the 4 Points of leverage braces have decreased ACL tension. It is result of reaction against the forward forces. For example: in case of loading, the orthoses have decreased the ligament tension of 50%.
The most important advantages of using orthopaedic knee braces with 4P technology is that:
1. They decrease ACL tension what is very important during ligament remodelling.
2. They compress the time of being in submaximal extension or in “dangerous” position
3. They increase the force on the tibia aback to prevent its shift (drawer syndrome)
4. They eliminate extension shock in the last phase of knee extension in patients with raptured ACL (100% ACL rapture prevention!)
Undoubtedly, the above evidence prove ACL tension reduction properties of 4P ATOM 1R during the rehabilitation and remodeling process. Thanks to using this brace a patient achieves reduction of ligament’s weakness as well. ATOM/1R is the best protection of knee ligaments. It provides maximum safety and knee protection so it is created for athletes especially.
The construction of ATOM/1R
1. Extremely strong frame is made of light aluminium 6061 T6, which is used in aeronautics guarantees the best stabilization in the market. Additionally, the frame was hot covered by powder dye so that it would be resistant to moisture. Thanks to that solution, the frame is fully indifferent to water as well as sweat.
2. Internal soft lining of the frame is made of Active3D™.
3. The knee brace is equipped with 6 straps and special cushions that are additionally protection and minimize brace migration.
Our knee braces ATOM/1R was tested in brine and passed it with flying colors!
ATOM/1R is our waterproof guarantee!
Adjustable 1R orthodesign drop-lock reduces risk of ACL injuries and prevents against the hyperextension.
Purpose of use
– mild or severe ACL, PCL, MCL and LCL instability
– rehabilitation after ACL or PCL reconstruction
– mixed injuries ACL/PCL
– knee hyperextension
ATOM/1R is the strongest protection from valgus and varus.
4 Points of leverage braces are the best protection for knee ligaments. First of all, they are dedicated for active athletes, where ACL injury is very common. They provide maximum security and knee protection.
Size | (A) Thigh circumference 15 cm above the center of the patella | (B) Calf circumference 15 cm below the center of the patella | How to measure |
XS | 36 – 40 cm (14,2″-15,7″) |
26 – 30 cm (10,2″-11,8″) |
![]() |
S | 40 – 44 cm (15,7″-17,3″) |
30 – 34 cm (11,8″-13,4″) |
M | 44 – 48 cm (17,3″-18,9″) |
34 – 38 cm (13,4″-15″) |
L | 48 – 52 cm (18,9″-20,5″) |
38 – 42 cm (15″-16,5″) |
XL | 52 – 56 cm (20,5″-22″) |
42 – 46 cm (16,5″-18,1″) |
Right and left leg specific.
Total length of the product:
XS – XL: 38 cm
A brace made on customer’s request cannot be returned.
– a set of 3D covers
– a set of 3D covers and circumferential strips
Active3D™ is thermoformed fabric made of special foamed, cell-closed designed material. It reduces the pressure on the body or any abrasions made by orthopaedic stays and aluminum splints. It is fully waterproof fabric and does not absorb sweat. It’s easy to clean. Due to its features, the fabric is an excellent product for making medical orthopaedic braces and orthoses. ACTIVE 3D™ has various external self-gripping layers. Our material has special, thermoformed properties and may be shaped according to the functional goals of the final braces.
Splint 1R Orthodesign
Szyna ortopedyczna 1R orthodesign, to nowatorskie podejście do tematyki szyn ortopedycznych z regulacją kąta zgięcia i wyprostu. Innowacyjność szyny polega na tym, że w zegarze o średnicy nie przekraczającej 30 mm, zastosowaliśmy regulację kąta zgięcia i wyprostu co 15 stopni. Dodatkowym atutem szyny jest to, że regulacja odbywa się nie przy użyciu wkrętów imbusowych, jak to się odbywało w poprzedniej generacji szyny, lecz za pomocą wkładanych stalowych nitów, które dla ułatwienia wyjmowane są z gniazd kątowych przy użyciu załączonego do szyn magnesu. Wisienką na torcie jest pierścień blokujący, który dzięki systemowi zapadkowemu nie pozwoli na samoczynne przestawienie się wcześniej ustawionego kąta. W ortezach kolana szyny mają odsadzenie goleniowe, co pozwala na bardziej precyzyjne dopasowanie ortezy kolana, a co za tym idzie dokładniej realizują regulację ruchomości stawu, w pozostałych wyrobach zaś, ortezy mają formę prostą. Od spodniej strony zegara zamontowano owalny element do którego doklejono gripper niezbędny do przymocowania do zegara miękkich poduszek bocznych 3D. Szyny te, przy użyciu klucza ortopedycznego będącego w ofercie Reh4Mat, mogą być w niektórych przypadkach indywidualnie dopasowane do kształtu kończyny pacjenta, poprzez ich lekkie dogięcie. Pobierz instrukcję regulacji szyny 1R orthodesign
Setting up
Class I medical device in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017. on medical devices.