Condyle pad kit

Condyle pad kit
Condyle pads provide comfort and perfect fitting the brace to the knee joint. The pads are assembled on either side of the knee where they attach to the hinge.
The condyle pad kit consists of:
1. 1. Three pads with various shapes. The pads are made of EVA foam and covered by self-gripping velour. They are used for off-loading the pressure points and bony prominences (e.g. tibial tuberosity). They’re assembled between lining and aluminum frame.
2. Two oval hinge pads made of EVA foam and covered by self-gripping velour. They protect the bony prominences (condyles of femur) against the pressure of the aluminum frame.
3. Eight thin self-gripping pads that are attached to the hinges, oval pads or others. The purpose of thin pads is to customise the fit of the brace to the width of your knee by either adding more pads or taking some away.
4. Two elastic covers wykonanych z lycry, które stosuje się wówczas jeżeli zachodzi konieczność stosowania wielowarstwowych odciążeń (dystansów) któregoś z zegarów.
Made of Active3D™ material.
Active3D™ is thermoformed fabric made of special foamed, cell-closed designed material. It reduces the pressure on the body or any abrasions made by orthopaedic stays and aluminum splints. It is fully waterproof fabric and does not absorb sweat. It’s easy to clean. Due to its features, the fabric is an excellent product for making medical orthopaedic braces and orthoses. ACTIVE 3D™ has various external self-gripping layers. Our material has special, thermoformed properties and may be shaped according to the functional goals of the final braces.
The product can be used with the following products:
Lower limb support ATOM/1RLower limb support ATOM/2RA
Lower limb support ATOM/2RA 4ARMY
Lower limb support RAPTOR/1R
Lower limb support RAPTOR/2
Lower limb support RAPTOR/2 SHORT
Lower limb support RAPTOR/2R
Lower limb support RAPTOR/2RA
Lower limb support RAPTOR/2RA SHORT