Torso support AM-SO-07

Lower back pain in sitting position
Nowadays, we can’t imagine to live without computers. Mostly jobs require to work in sitting position. Regular computer users perform 50,000 to 200,000 keystrokes each day. Under certain circumstances and for vulnerable individuals, frequent computer use that involves awkward postures, repetition, and forceful exertions may be related to nerve, muscle, tendon, and ligament damage. Sitting is a static posture that increases stress in the back, shoulders, arms, and legs, and in particular, can add large amounts of pressure to the back muscles and spinal discs.
Maintaining slouching posture reduces natural spinal curves and stretches muscles, nerves and ligaments. Furthermore, the pelvic tilts backward and causes sacroiliac joint dysfunction.
Does sitting always mean pain?
Of course not!
All you need is to use our lower back support VEYRON providing excellent ergonomic position.
Product description
Lower back pain relief support VEYRON (AM-SO-07) will be your best friend in day-to-day deskbound activities.
The support is equipped with durable lumbar pad made of plastic with thermoformed material ACTIVE 3D™. Such construction provides high comfort of use.
The lumbar pad is connected with firm safety belts, equipped with knee pads, pulling buckles and center buckle. Safety belts are places over the knees and pulled with strap ends. As more as you tighten the length of the belts on both sides, as more your lower back will be pulled forward. The center buckle prevents slipping the belts.
The lumbar part is made of CODURA®.
The knee pads are made of ActivePren™.
How does it work?
Knee pads produce a net force acting on your lumbar area, maintaining the spine in upright position. The force pulls your lower back forward and assists you to sit upright naturally.
Furthermore, lower back support VEYRONtilts your pelvic forward, providing optimal sitting position and relieving sacroiliac joints.
How can I use VEYRON support?
It’s very easy! All you need is to follow 5 steps below:
Why VEYRON support is better than ordinary lumbar backrests?
Ordinary backrest supports your spine passively and back muscles aren’t active. They lean against the back rest and it leads to your muscles and ligaments overstretching and back pain syndromes finally. | Pain relief support VEYRON keeps your upright position actively. Muscles don’t leaning against the back rest and are active all the time. It makes your back stronger and prevents against the further conditions, such as discopathy or spondylolisthesis. |
Where can I use VEYRON?
Everywhere you sit!

On a bus

on a train

in school

in office

on a plane

at home
Pain relief support VEYRON keeps your upright position actively. Muscles don’t leaning against the back rest and are active all the time. It makes your back stronger and prevents against the further conditions, such as discopathy or spondylolisthesis!
Purpose of use
- Long-term sitting position (office, car)
- “Round back” (kyphotic spine)
- Flat back
- Stressed spine
- Discopathy (slipped disc)
Total height of the product:
front: 6 cm (2,4″) (knee pelottes)
rear: 14 cm (5,5″)
Active3D™ is thermoformed fabric made of special foamed, cell-closed designed material. It reduces the pressure on the body or any abrasions made by orthopaedic stays and aluminum splints. It is fully waterproof fabric and does not absorb sweat. It’s easy to clean. Due to its features, the fabric is an excellent product for making medical orthopaedic braces and orthoses. ACTIVE 3D™ has various external self-gripping layers. Our material has special, thermoformed properties and may be shaped according to the functional goals of the final braces.
ActivePren™ is an active three-layer material consisting of two elastic jersey cover fabrics and a core made of neoprene foam. This material is characterized by softness and high flexibility. A very important advantage of this material is the fact that it is not a knitted product, it does not have thick fibers, so that the weaves of the material do not imprint on the patient's skin and do not cause abrasionsin places of high compression. Products made of ActivePren are the strongest and most effective stabilizing orthoses available on the market.
CODURA® is extreme durable lamination made of polyamide with polyurethane layer and Teflon finishing. Structure of fabrics and method of milling make the fabric lightweight but very resistant to damages and extreme conditions. External layer is covered by Teflon. Our devices made of CODURA® are the thinnest and the most durable on the market. Waterproof material.
3D supports
3D relief supports are independent technical solutions to relieve the rigid elements of a given orthosis. These elements are made of supporting foams or EVA foam. These foams are connected with various types of skin-friendly materials and materials with an adhesive function. These pads have the appropriate shape and color adapted to the type of orthosis. They relieve both metal elements of orthoses, such as splints, stays, underwires and orthopedic drop locks, as well as other elements that should not come into direct contact with the patient's skin. These pads have an anatomical shape and are made of comfortable foam with proper hardness and elasticity, guaranteeing the proper therapeutic effect.
Setting up
Class I medical device in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2017. on medical devices.