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2017 August

System for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – CTSyndrome


REH4MAT introduced to mostly wrist braces innovative solution CTSyndrome. This is special pad on wrist splint which protects carpal canal against the excessive compression. Due to that fact, electrical impulses in median nerve go freely.

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2017 May

Classification of REH4MAT orthoses

ANATOMIC CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO THE BODY PARTS: Fingers and hand orthosis Wrist orthosis Forearm orthosis Elbow orthosis Shoulder orthosis Upper limb orthosis Cervical spine orthosis Thoracic spine orthosis Cervical-thoracic spine orthosis CTO Cervical-thoracic-lumbar-sacral spine orthosis CTLSO Thoracic-lumbar-sacral orthosis Lumbar-sacral orthosis Lumbar orthosis Sacral orthosis Pelvic orthosis Lower limb and hip orthosis Lower limb orthosis Hip […]

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2017 April

The effectiveness of using rigid pelvic belts AM-PES-05 and AM-PC-02

Orteza tułowia AM-PES-05

Women with symphysis pubis and posterior pelvis dysfunction have a lot of difficulties, decreasing their quality of life, during pregnancy. The pain id different: it may be mild or severe and it depends on the intensity. It’s unilateral or bilateral and can be located in the groin and medial aspect of thigh. Together with groin […]

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2017 March

REH4MAT supports diasbled basketballers!

As a leader in orthopaedic field, we are willing to support each kind of physical activity. Disabled people, who are talented and determined to practice sport, are the best evidence that there is not any barrier which may stop them from making their dreams come true. Few years ago, REH4MAT became a main sponsor of sport club START from Rzeszów (Poland), what is for us something to be proud of! Our longtime cooperation was appreciated by Mr. Henryk Waszkowski from the Polish National Society of Disability, who dedicated us a copy of his latest publication about the rehabilitation of disabled people in Poland.

We keep our fingers crossed for the START team from Rzeszów! We wish you lots of success!

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2017 February

Our devices appreciated by National Medical Publishing House!

With pleasure, we would like to share our success with you! In 2016, there appeared a publication ‘Medical Devices. Custom-Made Products’ that was written by Krzysztof Gieremek, Szymon Janicki, Bogumił Przeździak and Marek Woźnicki. In this publication, you can find lots of references to devices manufactured by REH4MAT…

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2015 December

Historical outline of the development of rehabilitation in Poland and in the world

Rys historyczny rozwoju rehabilitacji w Polsce i na świecie

In November 2015 P. Jandziś and P. Migała launched their new book ‘Historical outline of the development of rehabilitation in Poland and in the world’. As always, Reh4Mat plays an important part of that event!

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