Home » 13812
Code UMDNS: 13812
- FP-35
- Dynamic abdominal belt FP-17
- Thigh abduction belts FP-24
- Dynamic harness with abdominal restraint belt FP-33
- Dynamic wrap around abdominal belt FP-18
- Pelvic positioning support with orthopedic wedges FP-16
- FP-31 Semi-rigid trunk vest
- Lower limb stabilizer FP-26
- Limb stabilizer FP-25
- Anatomic thigh abduction belts FP-23
- Breathable AIR FlexPoint vest with integrated buckles FP-32
- 4-point vest with relieving foam FP-09
- Unilateral chest stabilizer FP-07
- Dynamic 6-Point Chest Vest FP-08
- Pelvis stabilizer FP-16
- BeltiCar® HB Set
- HB Fastening belt FP-45
- The BeltiCar Set FP-44
- The shoulder belts FP-43
- The pelvic belt FP-42
- The chest belt FP-41
- The fastening belt FP-40
- Universal stabilizing belts FP-30
- Dynamic ankle stabilizers FP-22
- Thigh abduction belts FP-21
- Thigh abduction belts FP-20
- 2-point pelvic belt with fastening support FP-15
- 2-point pelvic belt FP-14
- Dynamic 4-point pelvic belt FP-13
- Dynamic 2-point pelvic belt FP-12
- Dynamic 4-point belt with pelvic stabilization and abdominal relief function FP-11
- Dynamic 2-point belt with pelvic stabilization and abdominal relief function FP-10
- Dynamic 4-point chest belts FP-06
- Dynamic 2-point chest belt FP-05
- 2-point chest belt with fastening support FP-04
- Classic H Harness FP-03
- Dynamic H Harness FP-02
- Dynamic 4-point chest vest FP-01