The 2RA Precision Pro splints advanced aluminium splints with an innovative hinge that provides an anatomical knee range of motion. The innovative hinge of the splints with ROLL-BACK technology provides an smooth anatomical knee motion. This solution... Read more »

Double axis splint 2RP

Double axis splint 2RP is the orthopaedic splint that reflects anatomic knee movement while flexion. The drop locks do not change their position relative to the axis of a knee joint. 2RP splints are reinforced polycentric splints, equipped with an articulated mechanism, the main element of which are sliders moving... Read more »

FLOW MOTION Technology

FLOW MOTION Technology These are advanced aluminium splints with an innovative hinge that provides an anatomical knee range of motion. It is important to remember that the knee joint is not just an isolated flexion and extension movement. As a hinge joint, the knee joint primarily allows... Read more »

Leaf spring hinges

Leaf spring hinges are made of high quality alloy of metal and plastic. This construction provides anatomic knee motion with excellent lateral knee stabilization. Read more »

Single axis splint 1RP

Single axis splint 1RP is designed to work in very heavy conditions and allows for transfer loads. This type of splint is primarily used in knee orthoses, where strong lateral stabilization of the knee joint and precise regulation of its mobility are essential. They are used in orthopaedic braces that were designed... Read more »

Splint 1

Splints (1) - single axis orthopaedic splints, used mainly in all types of knee braces. They provide excellent frontal stabilization, maintaining the low weight simultaneously. Due to their properties, they are preferred among all groups of patients, especially elderly. Splints are made of high... Read more »

Splint 1 Slim

Splint 1R

1R splints – single axis orthopedic splints used in all knee joint and upper limb braces, where apart from adjustment of the flection and extension angle, high lateral stabilization of the joint is not required, but important if low weight of the brace. Due to the low weight the splints are successfully used in... Read more »

Splint 1R mini

Splints 1 R (mini) - are 1-axial orthopaedic device, which is mostly in braces, where splints are closed in special sides pockets. It is used also when the brace’s low weight is very important. Splints 1 R (mini) are made of high quality aluminium hot covered by special powder surface, what makes them neutral to... Read more »

Splint 1R Orthodesign

Szyna ortopedyczna 1R orthodesign, to nowatorskie podejście do tematyki szyn ortopedycznych z regulacją kąta zgięcia i wyprostu. Innowacyjność szyny polega na tym, że w zegarze o średnicy nie przekraczającej 30 mm, zastosowaliśmy regulację kąta zgięcia i wyprostu co 15 stopni. Dodatkowym atutem szyny... Read more »

Splint 1R Orthodesign pediatric

The 1R Orthodesign orthopedic brace is a novel approach to the topic of adjustable-angle orthopedic braces. The innovativeness of the brace lies in the fact that we have applied an angle adjustment of 15 degrees in a clock with a diameter not exceeding 30 mm. An additional advantage of the brace is that the adjustment... Read more »

Splint 1RE

Splints 1RE – single axis orthopedic splints, used mainly in knee joint, upper limb and hip joint braces. The characteristic quality of this splint is, apart from wide range of motion adjustment in every 15 degrees, is also hyperextension adjustment in the secured range of -15 and -30 degrees. The splints are... Read more »


This brace is equipped with two splits with ROM adjustment flexion (A) in the scope of: 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°,60°, 75°, 90°, 105°, 120° and extension (B) in the scope of: -30°, -15° , 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90° and the possibility of setting up a visiting (D) in the scope of: 00, 150, 300. Read more »

Splint 1X

Uniaxial orthopedic splints with adjustable joint mobility and the possibility of complete blocking of movable objects in the range from -10 to 90 degrees. Read more »

Splint 2

Splints [2] – double-axis polycentric splints equipped with rack and pinion, which reflects the anatomic movement of the knee joint. It is made of high quality aluminium alloy, with durable sanded cover, which protects the splint from influence of sweat and salt. Splint is equipped with specially shaped silicone... Read more »

Splint 2R

Splints 2R – double axis polycentric splints, with rack gear which reflects the anatomic knee movement. Such splints are used in all knee joint braces where apart from angle adjustment lateral joint stabilization is also important. The splints are manufactured with high quality of aluminium alloy with sanded,... Read more »

Splint 2R with anti-hyperextension mechanism

Orthopedic splints 2R are the strongest and most developed orthopedic splints in the Reh4Mat offer. These biaxial splints are equipped with a ratchet mechanism and a shock absorbing spring. The splints are made of a specially hardened aluminum alloy, additionally secured with a durable powder coating. Thanks to... Read more »

Splint 2RA Precision

Splints 2RA Precision are a double axis anatomic splints which reflect the knee movement and during performance do... Read more »

Splint 3

Splints [3] – triple-axis polycentric splints equipped with rack and pinion, which reflects the anatomic movement of the knee joint. Such splints are used in long knee joint braces, in cases where very high lateral stabilization of the joint is required. They are made of high quality aluminium alloy, with durable... Read more »

Splint Joint Flex Control

JOINT FLEX CONTROL hinge is made of low profile, thin aluminum. It is universal orthopaedic product. It is perfect solution in case of hip injuries and after hip replacement and other surgeries. The hinge offers smooth hip flexion and extension adjustment and controls hip abduction and adduction in range between 0... Read more »


SAFE HIP SPLINT - it is a light, universal and very strong orthopedic splint designed for hip joint orthoses. The splint is perfect for use after hip surgery, it controls both the angle of hip flexion and abduction of the lower limb. The splint is made of a very strong aluminum alloy and high-quality steel, which... Read more »

System 2RA-ACL Precision - Stabilizing splints with ROM adjustment and ACL support

System 2RA-ACL Precision makes it possible to control multidimensional movement of knee joint. This system consists of two splints 2RA and under-knee belts thanks to which femoral and tibial epiphysis do not excessively shift to each other in sagittal plane. It may appear in case of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)... Read more »