This brace is equipped with two splits with ROM adjustment flexion (A) in the scope of: 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°,60°, 75°, 90°, 105°, 120° and extension (B) in the scope of: -30°, -15° , 0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90° and the possibility of setting up a visiting (D) in the scope of: 00, 150, 300. 1. Place the brace in the position in which you want to adjust the flexion (A) or extension (B) (fig.1) 2. By pressing the buttons (A) and (B) - delimiters to the center of the splint move them around to the desired place with the prescribed angle (fig.1) 3. Look buttons with the special lockers (C) included in this kit (fig.2) 4. Loosen the screw with an Allen key (fig.3). Set the appropriate angle value visiting (D) and tighten the screw 5. Check the correctness of operation and the range of clock movementsTHE ANGLE OF FLEXION AND EXTENSION IS SPECIFIED BY THE DOCTOR OR PHYSIOTHERAPIST!
ATTENTION: If the brace is equipped with 2 side splints, adjustment is done on each side splint separately setting the same angle of flexion and extension. Side splints do not require maintenance